SWALLOW is very grateful to all of the volunteers that give their time to help our charity. To mark National Volunteers’ Week, we wanted to chat with one of our volunteers to find out what supporting SWALLOW means to them. E, who is also a member of SWALLOW, has been our Tuesday Receptionist since 2020 and talks about her role.
What do you like best about volunteering at SWALLOW?
I love it because I know everyone and I like communicating with the staff. I’m a very chirpy sort of person and I like working in the offices. It’s been a good education for me – very different from being at school.
How do you think your role helps SWALLOW?
I’ve brought my skills of being a good communicator which is great for being a receptionist. I feel good looking after the staff and making sure they are ok – I’m good at that.
How does volunteering make you feel?
It’s making me happy, I feel really valued. I know everyone around here now.
What kind of things do you do on a Tuesday?
I like going on the printer and sorting out letters and the envelopes. I like taking the staples out of papers – because you can’t put those in the shredder. I vacuum the art room and all around the offices. I make teas and coffees for everyone in the office. I also take the fruit around to all of the offices for the staff [SWALLOW provides free fruit for the staff team] – they love their fruit and so do I!
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I like to be able to chill in the bath! I like doing my crosswords every other week. I love being on the SWALLOW Management Committee as well. I am so grateful to Bev [SWALLOW’s Chief Executive] for helping me to talk about things that are important to me. Now I never get nervous around people or talking on stage - I am a really confident sort of person.
We would like to thank E so much for all of her hard work over the years and it’s been lovely to hear more about how she feels about her work – she’s a star volunteer that’s for sure!