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Inclusion at SWALLOW


As it's National Inclusion Week this week, we thought it would be good to talk about inclusion here at SWALLOW.

A member-led organisation

We believe that SWALLOW is an inclusive organisation, it is user-led, meaning that it includes its members, teenagers and adults with learning disabilities in all facets of decision making, including strategic direction and recruitment. The charity is open and welcoming to all, both in terms of members, staff and volunteers and it aims to empower its members to take a full and active role in the community, living the lives that they choose.  We promote inclusion at work with local organisations to give people with learning disabilities equal access to opportunities within their learning, social life and access to paid work, just like everyone else.

Being member-led and inclusive means that we remain relevant to those we support. The services we run are those that have been requested and from feedback we received we are continually monitoring and improving these services to meet the needs of our members.  In addition, it is a mandatory requirement for all staff at SWALLOW to complete annual equality and diversity training via our on-line training provider (Grey Matter Learning), all support workers and managers also complete on-line LGBTQ awareness training.


Inclusion in the workplace

We are also a very inclusive and friendly place to work: the offices and premises we run activities from are accessible, and we offer easy read versions of information.  In addition, SWALLOW staff are given flexible working conditions to suit their lives and home commitments as far as possible. Reasonable workplace adjustments are considered to provide equal opportunities for all employees. The organisation do what they can to fit their needs around those of their staff and their members.

No criteria for access to our services

We promote our services and support as widely as possible; we have no criteria for access, everyone is welcome who could benefit from our services.  In addition, our presence in the community via our cafes and activities makes our services more visible so that people can find out about what we do.


Accessible Employment Initiatives

SWALLOW Charity is working with local businesses to create accessible employment opportunities that will help towards a more equal and inclusive society.  The people SWALLOW supports still lack equal access to employment - shockingly only 5.1% of people with learning disabilities are currently in paid work in England.  As an organisation we ourselves employ 15 SWALLOW members and provide volunteering opportunities in addition to this, for our members with learning disabilities, for roles within our organisation. 

 Work Skills Training Initiatives

We run Work Skills groups providing members with opportunities to improve their skills needed for the world of work. We have an online shop filled with items lovingly created by members of this group and we support them as individuals to grow and develop skills in the areas they need, so that if they wish we can mentor them to source work opportunities in the wider community.

The ethos of inclusion that we have throughout the organisation and across our staff team, as well as our members creates a sense of value in the work we do and contentment within the workplace.  Much of our workforce have worked at SWALLOW for very many years and this engenders stability, a wealth of knowledge and experience and a sense of belonging within the charity.



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