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Member Interviewing at SWALLOW

We have recently finished a round of interviewing for new Support Workers and are looking forward to welcoming three new members of staff.

At SWALLOW we also strive to create paid opportunities for our members wherever we can and one opportunity that we offer is interviewing. This is also a key element of our user-led ethos. It is important that our members help to decide what staff we take on, particularly as they will be the ones supported by the successful interviewees.

Josy has been with SWALLOW for just over a year now and was very keen to help with interviewing - she has also recently joined the SWALLOW Management Committee and is great at speaking up on behalf of herself and others.

We wanted to find out how she felt about working as an Interviewer, this is what she told us:

I was asked by Michelle (the HR Manager) if I would like to help interview for Support Workers at SWALLOW. I was happy to be asked and said yes straight away.

We interviewed over 2 days in August.

In the interviews I talked about the support I like to have and how it helps me, I also asked 3 of the interview questions.

I very much enjoyed helping and would like to help again.

I got to meet lots of different people and I helped to choose the right people for SWALLOW.

It makes me happy that I was able to connect with people and help SWALLOW.

I am going to be having one to one support from one of the new staff and am really excited about this!

Thanks for telling us about your experience Josy!


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