SWALLOW Services

Supported Housing
We support people to live in their own homes as independently as possible. We currently have 16 accommodation spaces within three locations.
People are encouraged to do things for themselves and develop their skills, however support is on hand when needed. All our housing support is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
We currently do not have any vacancies.

Work Skills
In our three strands of Work Skills, we support people to learn what is expected in a work environment as well as offering hands on work experience.
In the Arts and Crafts group, members make cards and gifts which they sell at local stalls and events, gaining further experience in handling money and getting the satisfaction of seeing items that they have made being sold.
In the horticulture group members learn about growing plants and vegetables and plant hanging baskets which are sold. They also are taught garden maintenance and use these skills in the community.
In our two Community Cafes, individuals gain valuable catering knowledge, both in the kitchen and front of house.

Courses & Day Activities
SWALLOW offers a range of day activities to allow creativity and expression such as art and drama as well as teaching skills such as cookery and life skills. The sessions are member led and help people to build confidence and develop skills and fulfillment.
These sessions run at the SWALLOW Centre in Westfield, the Percy Centre in Bath, Chilcompton Village Hall and Orchard Hall in Midsomer Norton.

Base House - Independent Living Skills Training
Base House is a family style training home specialising in preparing teenagers and adults with learning disabilities for independent living.
Members stay overnight and learn general household skills such as cooking, cleaning and shopping as well as experiencing life outside the family home.
We can assess individual's support needs and plan for the future.

Fitness and Health
Our range of health and fitness activities includes football, dancing, walks and Zumba, encouraging people to keep healthy and have fun.
The SWALLOW football team is always looking for new players – please contact Justin Ricards on justinricards@swallowcharity.org if you are interested.

Social Activities
We organise regular social activities that are chosen by our members, these range from trips to the seaside to quiz and film nights, parties and barbeques.
We also hold evening clubs including monthly Ladies’ and Men’s nights and twice a week we have our very popular Boogie Nights dance sessions, on a Thursday night in Midsomer Norton and on a Monday night in Bath.